To ensure that a quality product is delivered and on schedule, every single project at Frontware undergoes the following steps:
The statement of work typically comprises a description of the nature of the problem, an estimate of magnitude and a tentative required by date. This is supplied by client.
When the statement of work is received, it is evaluated by Frontware, and a "Requirement Specification" is generated from it. This essentially reflects Frontware's understanding of the problem. Also, the deliverables are clearly established.
Once the requirement specification is prepared, the Project Manager / Project Leader would do a feasibility analysis of the project, using an automated tool, which typically employs an estimation method such as Function Point Analysis, This analysis decides the acceptance or otherwise of the project by Frontware. This analysis is reviewed by the concerned Technical Manager.
This is an administrative document, which officially "kicks off" a project. It has references to the initial pre project phase documents, and officially associates the Project Manager / Project Leader with the project. Subsequently, every reference to the project would use the internal work order number or the project ID assigned in the work order.
The project plan is prepared by the Project Manager / Project Leader. The plan establishes clearly the purpose of the project, the scope of the project, and interfaces with the customer, among others. Based on the estimates made during the feasibility analysis phase, a project schedule is prepared with a projected time frame for resource utilization. Work breakdown is performed, and individual tasks are identified. Also, the different milestones, if any, are identified. The deliverables identified during the requirement specification phase are broken down to concrete units, and the acceptance criteria for each of them are established. The configuration management method is established, as also any risk management required. The mechanism of change management is established, and communicated to the customer. The project plan is reviewed by a peer Project Manager / Project Leader, and is approved by the Technical Manager. The project plan is sent to the customer for approval.
Based on the project plan, the required resources are allotted to the project from the resource pool. This allocation could be partial, in that, a particular resource might not be allocated 100% to a single project, or it could be complete.
The project execution phase typically involves three major activities - minor design/design changes, construction and unit testing. During the execution, a suitable project management tool is employed to translate the work breakdown into tasks, allocate them to the team members, and monitor the progress of the project. Any new design done, or all the design changes made, are reviewed by the Project Manager. Also, at the end of each unit of construction, a review / desk debugging is performed by a peer to ensure the quality of the output.